MVC Interview Questions and Answers for 2020

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In this article, we have prepared the top and latest MVC interview questions and answers.

MVC is a framework or a design which is broadly used. It stands for Model View Controller.

This list of mvc interview question and answer will help you crack your technical interviews in the year 2020. The answers are short and crisp.

So Let’s get started :

MVC Interview Questions

Below are the latest and most asked MVC interview questions :

  • What is MVC ?
  • What does Model-View-Controller represent in an MVC application ?
  • What are the advantages of MVC ?
  • Name the assembly of MVC framework ?
  • What are the different return types of a controller action method in MVC ?
  • How can we maintain a session in MVC application ?
  • Explain what is TempData in MVC ?
  • How can we add constraints to a route in MVC ?
  • What is the role of Presentation, Abstraction and Control components in MVC ?
  • Explain the role of beforFilter(), afterFilter() and beforeRender in Controller ?
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of MVC model ?
  • What are the steps for executing a MVC project ?
  • What is the role of ActionFilters in MVC ?
  • What is routing in MVC?
  • Name the three segments for routing which are important ?
  • How can you navigate from one view to another using hyperlink ?
  • How routing is done in MVC pattern?
  • State the difference between Temp data, View Bag and View data ?
  • What is a Partial View in MVC?
  • How can we implement Ajax in MVC ?
  • What is the difference between the ViewResult and the ActionResult ?
  • How can we send the result back in JSON format in MVC ?
  • State the difference between View and Partial View ?
  • What are different types of result in MVC ?
  • What is the importance of NonActionAttribute in MVC ?
  • What is the use of the default route {resource}.axd/{*pathinfo} ?
  • If the multiple filters are implemented then what will be the order of execution for filters?
  • What are the filters gets executed in the end in MVC?
  • What are the file extensions for razor views in MVC ?
  • What are the two instances where routing is not required or implemented ?
  • What are main benefits of using MVC ?

What is MVC ?

MVC stands for Model View Controller.

Model-View-Controller is basically a software architecture pattern. It is used for developing user interfaces / web application etc.

As the name suggests, any MVC application is handled by three componenets or objects. Which are :

  1. Model
  2. View
  3. Controller
mvc interview questions

What does Model-View-Controller represent in an MVC application ?

In the MVC design, the respective three components play below mentioned roles :

  • Model represents the core of application.
  • View represents the data / It handles displaying of Data.
  • Controller handles the input of application.

What are the advantages of MVC ?

MVC framework have many advantages. The MVC applications are more systematic. The application development and maintenance cost is very less in compare to non mvc frameworks.

The cost of application is less as editing or modifying your mvc application is easy.

Below are additional advantages of MVC application –

  1. Lightweight
  2. Testability
  3. More Control
  4. Multiple view support
  5. Change Accommodation

Name the assembly of MVC framework ?

System.Web.Mvc is the assembly of mvc framework.

What are the different return types of a controller action method in MVC ?

Below are some of the return types for a controller action method of a MVC application –

  • Json Result
  • View Result
  • Redirect Result
  • Javascript Result
  • Content Result

How can we maintain a session in MVC application ?

We can maintain a session in MVC application using three ways , which are :

  1. temp data
  2. viewdata
  3. view bag

Explain what is TempData in MVC ?

TempData in MVC application is basically a dictionary object. This object is used for storing data on temporary basis.

This object is of TempDataDictionary class type and it is the instance property of the Controller base class.

We know , TempData stores data temporarily. It can store data in the duration of a HTTP request. It is used for storing the live data between the HTTP requests.

We can use it to pass the state of HTTP requests for the action methods. Data is stored in TempData using session variable.

If we want to retrieve data from Tempdata then typecasting is required.

It is to be noted that, TempData can only work with the current and subsequent requests.

How can we add constraints to a route in MVC ?

There are two ways exists in which we can add the constraints to a route, Which are :

  • We can use regular expressions.
  • Or we can use an object, which is the implementation of IRouteConstraint Interface.

What is the role of Presentation, Abstraction and Control components in MVC ?


This component in mvc design represents the visual representation of a specific abstraction of the application.


Abstraction component in mvc is basically the business domain functionality of the application


The Control component helps keeping consistency between below two :

  • Abstraction within the system and
  • Their representation to the user

Explain the role of beforFilter(), afterFilter() and beforeRender in Controller ?

These three functions are very important in the Controller of MVC application.


  • beforeFilter() function runs just before each action in the controller.
  • This function can be used for checking the current active session.
  • We can also use it to check the user permissions before the action of the controller.


  • afterFilter() function runs after every controller action in the controller.
  • This runs after rendering is done.
  • We can use this function to perform any finalisation task.
  • This is the last method of controller to run.


  • beforeRender() function is also called after every controller action.
  • But It runs before the rendering is done.
  • beforeRender() function is not used commonly.
  • It can be used in case you want to call render() function manually before action completion.

List the advantages and disadvantages of MVC model ?

No.Advantages of MVC Model Disadvantages of MVC Model
1MVC model is very easy to develop and maintain.For MVC, we are required to have knowledge for multiple technologies.
2It has clear representation of separation between the business and presentation logic.MVC is little difficult to use with modern user interfaces.
3In mvc, all the classes and object are independent of each other.Data access is inefficient in view of mvc.
4Development runs in a parallel process.Multiple developers are required for parallel development process.
5In MVC, all objects have different set of responsibilities.The Model pattern is seems to be little complex.

What are the steps for executing a MVC project ?

Below are the written steps for execution of MVC project :

  1. First, We receive the first request for the application.
  2. Now, Routing is performed.
  3. We now create the MVC request handler.
  4. Controller is created.
  5. Controller is executed.
  6. Now, Action is invoked.
  7. Finally, result is executed.

What is the role of ActionFilters in MVC ?

ActionFilters in MVC are used for the execution of logic when the action is executing or is already executed.

What is routing in MVC?

Routing in MVC is a process which helps you in deciding a URL structure and also mapping that URL with the Controller.

Name the three segments for routing which are important ?

There are three important segments in MVC routing , which are mentioned below :

  • ControllerName
  • Parameter
  • ActionMethodName

How can you navigate from one view to another using hyperlink ?

In MVC, we can use the ActionLink method for navigating from one view to another view .

As shown in the below example.

<%= Html.ActionLink("BlogPage", "GotoBlog") %> 

The above mentioned code snippet will simply –

  • Make a URL to navigate to the “BlogPage” Controller and
  • Invoke the “GotoBlog” action.

How routing is done in MVC pattern?

In MVC, a term RouteCollection refers to the group of routes.

This RouteCollection is consists of registered routes in your MVC application. A method RegisterRoutes is used for recording the routes in this collection.

In MVC, a route simply defines a URL pattern and a handler for the pattern matching requests.

There exists three parameters in MapRoute method :

  • First parameter indicates the name of the route.
  • Second parameter defines the pattern to which the URL matches.
  • Third parameter might hold the default values for the placeholders in case they are not defined.

State the difference between Temp data, View Bag and View data ?

These three are very important terms with respect to MVC so let’s look at them :

Temp data

Temp Data in MVC is used for maintaining the data in the case of shifting from one controller to other controller in your application.

View Bag

View Bag is basically act as a Dynamic wrapper around the View data in MVC application.

View data

View data in MVC is used for maintaining the data in case of moving from controller to the view.

What is a Partial View in MVC?

In MVC, a partial view simply represents or renders a portion of view content and not the complete view.

It can be used for reducing the duplication of code around the MVC application.

It is basically used for rendering a part of view under the parent view.

How can we implement Ajax in MVC ?

Yes, We can implement Ajax in the MVC application.

Below are the two ways to implement Ajax in the MVC :

  • We can use directly Ajax libraries.
  • By Using Jquery.

What is the difference between the ViewResult and the ActionResult ?

ActionResult class in MVC is an abstract class. However, The ViewResult is a child / derived class of AbstractResult class.

ActionResult class has several derived classes , as mentioned below :

  • JsonResult
  • FileStreamResult
  • ViewResult

ActionResult can be used for deriving different type of views dynamically.

How can we send the result back in JSON format in MVC ?

There exist a class JSONRESULT, which can be used for sending the result back in JSON format in MVC.

State the difference between View and Partial View ?

Below are the key differences between the View and Partial View in MVC :

No.ViewPartial View
1View contains the complete layout page.Partial view does not contain the layout page.
2viewstart page is always rendered before the rendering of view.We are not allowed to put any common code for a partial view within the
3If comparing to Partial View, View is not lightweight.A regular view can be passed to the RenderPartial method.
4View can contain the several markup tags such as html, body, head, meta, title etc.Partial view cannot contain any markup tags as it is designed to be rendered within the view.

What are different types of result in MVC ?

In an MVC application, There exists twelve different types of results.

In the below list, ActionResult is the main class and all other classes are its sub type.

  1. ActionResult
  2. ViewResult
  3. PartialViewResult
  4. RedirectResult
  5. EmptyResult
  6. JavaScriptResult
  7. RedirectToRouteResult
  8. FileContentResult
  9. JsonResult
  10. FileStreamResult
  11. ContentResult
  12. FilePathResult

What is the importance of NonActionAttribute in MVC ?

In MVC, all the controller methods which are public are referred as the action methods.

In case you want to prevent the method then that public method needs to be assigned with the NonActionAttribute.

So simply, NonActionAttribute attributes are used to prevent any method to be referred as the action method.

What is the use of the default route {resource}.axd/{*pathinfo} ?

The default route mentioned above is used to prevent the requests which are coming from a web resource file.

Such as Webresource.axd or ScriptResource.axd.

This route prevents these type of requests to be passed to controller.

If the multiple filters are implemented then what will be the order of execution for filters?

In the case when multiple filter are applied, then the below order will be followed for execution in an MVC application :

  1. Authorization filters
  2. Action filters
  3. Response filters
  4. Exception filters

What are the filters gets executed in the end in MVC?

In an MVC application, the Exception filters are always executed at end.

What are the file extensions for razor views in MVC ?

In MVC , below are the file extensions used for razor views :

  • .cshtml
  • .vbhtm

.cshtml is used if the programming language is C#.

.vbhtml is used if the programming language is VB.

What are the two instances where routing is not required or implemented ?

In MVC, there are two instances where routing is not required :

  • In case, when a physical file matching with the URL pattern is found.
  • Or when the routing is disabled for a specific URL pattern.

What are main benefits of using MVC ?

We can say that there are majorly two benefits of using MVC. Which are :

You can still use the code to a great extent if the code in your application is moved behind a separate class file.

It is possible to automate the UI testing in MVC is the code in your application is moved to .NET class.

It has benefits of automated testing.

Further Reading :


We have learnt some important and latest MVC interview questions in this article.

This will help you in interviews for technical jobs in 2020.

Best of Luck!

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